on 7 August 1974 the French tightrope walker Philippe Petit accomplished his most famous and spectacular feat: he passed from one tower to another of the World Trade Center in New York (those destroyed in the attacks of 11 September ...
Do you know that around 40% of data gets lost in the conversion process? Data migration is one of the essential things in the military sector. Although the loss may seem to be small, even 1% of data loss in ...
While preparing for their exams students always waste their time deciding the right study material out of the enormous options available in the market. Most students end up choosing the wrong study material which may even lead them to failure. ...
Cracking TOEFL is the big thing, the scores you earn decides the university you are going to study in or allowed to live in English-speaking countries (like Australia). If you are deciding to go for your TOEFL exam there are ...
If you are aspiring to become an international student and looking to enroll in the University of English-speaking countries, you have to take a TOEFL course. Now with an online learning platform, you get an opportunity to learn TOEFL online ...
Nowadays, there are many students who would like to study in other foreign countries. If you are thinking about your higher studies, then choose MyGermanUniversity. More than thirteen percent of students at German universities came from all over the world. ...
All children benefit from starting their schooling experience as early in life as possible. That is why preschool is such an important event for young kids. It is at preschool that children begin learning the fundamental basics and skills that ...
I've this notion built inside me since childhood that test is effective, nonetheless the books are often mightier than words. Words don't last forever, nonetheless the minds and imagination expressed through words within the book or even articles is the ...
Selfish persons are incompetent at loving others, but they're incompetent at loving themselves either. Being selfish isn't good when you are self-centered is worse since you never learn to hear others. Everyone should an opportunity to achieve an illusion it ...
Clay is an abundant natural resource that has stood the test of time. Over the years, there has been an increase in how it is used and applied. It is used by people of all ages and skin colour. Many ...